
March 9, 2006

Absinthe makes the fart grow stronger

Filed under: humor, Miscellaneous — Mahen @ 6:28 am

You would have been familiar with the phrase absence makes love grow fonder. But, here is a variation of that phrase— absinthe makes the fart grow stronger. I was sure that Indians did not use or consume absinthe. I have now changed my views. How would it be when one of your co passengers sitting or standing so close to you farts and how would you react to that when you know quite well that you cannot stand that *SWEET* smell???? 😉 Embarrassing!

It happened so to me recently. I stared at his face, without being able to control my laughter that belched out uncontrollably and showed up in my face and he realizing my inconvenience and with a feeling of being noticed by a few others around, boy, I could not explain the situation exactly in words. He was a middle-aged man. It is of course so common for people to fart, often accompanied with a loud durrrrrrrrrr :).

I understand that in no way can one control or suppress farts for it might add to the trouble inside the system. However, it all boils down to the food habit and if you can build a conscious healthy diet, I think you can overcome such embarrassing moments. No harm in consulting a physician if you find it difficult to hold your durrrrrrrr in check. Just imagine what could happen if one of your colleagues, in the worst case your senior colleagues so close to you and do that drrrrrrrrrr. That too in a fully air conditioned hall and that too during a crucial meeting when you might not be able to walk out of the room even. hahaha…

Well, the lighter side of life is always so funny though the moments of suffocation used to be so terrible.

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